Monday, February 3, 2014

Makeover Monday: Go Natural and Naked

What is the first thing you look at when you meet someone? For me, it’s always a person’s skin. Seeing women who have that perfect glow – the ultimate envy. This year, screw all the makeup and get confident with a naked face!

Let’s be real. On a daily basis, we do things that aren’t necessarily the best for us  your skin regimen should never be one of them.  So, here are some guilty-free natural products that are a MUST-HAVE in your daily routine.

Rose Water with Glycerin
This is a great way to keep your skin hydrated. It’s calming and helps to get rid of unwanted redness. Ideal for those of you who have sensitive skin.

Castor Oil
I know this seems like a throw back to the 50's for a nagging cough, but did you know it has a 2014 purpose? Penetrates deeper than any other oil and helps to improve dry skin. But, don’t just stop with your skin - put a small amount in your hair to help with split ends!

Rose Hip Oil
If Miranda Kerr trusts this oil, then we all should! This helps to reduce scars and fine lines.

Add these new tips to your skin regime and you won't be disappointed. Well that's all for me on this beautiful Makeover Monday! Stay tuned for more exciting beauty tips, tricks, and must haves every Monday!

xoxo Kelsi

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